Recipes For Smoothies Rich In Iron

Published: 2023-05-24
Views: 140
Author: bollobollo
Published in: Nutrition

6 Smoothies Rich in Iron

Remember the foods that are the best sources of plant-based iron from my iron article? (Yes, the same article, I’ll mention it a lot). Approved foods in the Dr Sebi’s Nutritional Guide like amaranth, seeded raisins, quinoa, walnuts, oregano, and all the approved greens are great iron sources. These are the best ingredients for making smoothies rich in iron, but, do you know why smoothies?

Benefits of Drinking Smoothies

  • Great to keep you hydrated.
  • Easy and quick to make with minimal equipment.
  • Increased satiety reducing cravings.
  • Partially pre-digested (the blender ‘chews’ it) which enhances nutrient absorption.
  • Smoothies are delicious and can disguise bitter flavors.


So, let's get smoothie-ing!


1. Orange-Green Combo Smoothie

Combining any approved greens (amaranth greens, dandelion greens, kale, turnip greens, purslane, watercress, wild arugula) which are all iron-rich with seville oranges, that promote optimum iron absorption, makes this smoothie a powerful pick. 


  • 1 peeled Seville orange
  • A handful of greens
  • 2 pitted dates
  • Spring water


  1. Add all your ingredients into a high-speed blender and blend!
  2. Add  more water to make it your desired consistency.
  3. Garnish with a slice of orange or chopped dates.
  4. For the best experience serve when chilled.


2. Dr. Sebi’s Smoothie Bowl

This is one of my favorite smoothies inspired by Dr. Sebi’s Nutritional Guide (with a bit of modification to suit my taste, of course). This power punch of nutrition is made with ingredients that are rich in iron.

Why I call it a smoothie bowl is because it contains homemade walnut milk, I use bananas to thicken it and I pour it into a bowl, not a cup. In addition, you get to throw in your favorite toppings!


  • 1 cup of any approved berry
  • 2 tablespoon walnuts 
  • 1 frozen burro banana
  • ½ cup homemade walnut milk
  • 2 pitted dates


  1. Add your berries, banana, homemade walnut milk, walnuts, and pitted dates to a blender and blend until smooth.
  2. Top with your favorite toppings.

What berry would you pick for this smoothie bowl? Tell me in the comments.

3. Mango Date Smoothie

Mangoes are one of my top 10 alkaline foods because they are juicy, tasty, and edible in any form. Because I would never turn down a mango, whether whole fruit, smoothie, or juice, I thought of incorporating dates in my mango smoothie to make it iron-rich, and it adds extra sweetness if your mango is slightly green.


  • 1 ripe mango
  • 3 pitted dates
  • 1 freshly squeezed key lime juice
  • 1 freshly squeezed Seville Orange
  •  1 peach chopped in chunks


  1. Add all your ingredients to a high-speed blender and blend until desired consistency is achieved, add spring water if needed.
  2. Serve in a glass and use dates as toppings. Enjoy.


4. Garbanzo-Walnut Smoothie

Okay, I know it sounds crazy adding garbanzo beans to a smoothie, but hear me out. If it’s warm where you live, you are inclined towards smoothies over soup. This may have made you neglect this nutrient-packed food you enjoyed in the cold weather. What do you say to reaping the benefits of garbanzo beans in a smoothie?


  • ½ cup cooked garbanzo beans
  • ½ cup walnut milk
  • 2 tablespoons chopped walnuts
  • 1 pitted date or agave syrup to taste
  • 1 frozen burro banana
  • Clove (to taste) 


  1. Place all your ingredients into a blender and blend thoroughly. If too thick, you can add more walnut milk.
  2. Serve in a glass and enjoy!

It’s a definite yes from me! How about you?


5. Green Smoothie

I used to recoil at the thought of having a green smoothie (green or anything for that matter), because I always believed the taste wasn’t for me. But one of my goals, when I turned plant-based, was to give green juices and smoothies a chance. Here we are after a lot of trial and error; one of the green smoothies I enjoy.


  • A handful of approved greens
  • ½ a slice of watermelon
  • 1 tablespoon sesame seeds (for your topping)
  • 1 key lime (juice) 
  • Spring water


  1. Add all your ingredients into a high-speed blender and blend until smooth. If you’d like it thinner, add more spring water.
  2. Serve with a few ice cubes for the best experience.


6. Quinoa Blast Smoothie

This is not your typical smoothie recipe! But it is tasty and rich in calcium and fiber. Almost like a pudding this smoothie can be thick or thin. 


  • ½ cup cooked quinoa 
  • 300 ml homemade walnut milk (or an approved alkaline milk you prefer)
  • 1 cup grapes (remove seeds)
  • 1 tablespoon 100% Pure Agave Syrup (or date sugar)
  • Optional burro banana


  1. Place all your ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth. Add a banana to thicken and sweeten the smoothie if it’s too thin for your liking. 
  2. Serve in your favorite cup.






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