Dental Tourism 2020- Top 7 Things To Know About Dental Implant Abroad

Published: 2020-12-28
Views: 629
Author: Osama123
Published in: Dentistry
Dental Tourism 2020- Top 7 Things To Know About Dental Implant Abroad

Dental Tourism 2020- Top 7 Things to Know about Dental Implant Abroad

According to a report, the industry of dental tourism is expected to increase by 12% more in 2020. Over the years, the industry is constantly expanding and moving forward. Now, people are more inclined than before to visit top dental tourism destinations like Mexico, Thailand, Turkey, Philippines and Malaysia. People travel abroad for various dental treatments, but the most popular one is dental implants.

What is Dental Implant?

It is a procedure of replacing damaged, broken or missing teeth with artificial tooth root made of titanium, placed into the jawbone. After that, the crown or artificial tooth is fitted onto the implant. Dental implant can be used for supporting a crown or a fixed bridge. Many people are choosing implants over other less attractive options like dentures. 

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Dental Implant vs. Dentures

The number of people opting for dental implants or dentures is higher while doing dental procedures abroad. If you are planning dental tourism abroad, you may wonder which the most suitable procedure is. Dentures need daily maintenance and they are not a permanent solution like dental implants. Dentures require the adjoining teeth’s support, which is not required with dental implants. Moreover, dental implants look more natural in comparison to dentures. Just like your own teeth, dental implants are reliable, strong and improve chewing difficulties caused by dentures or missing teeth. Thus, dental implants improve oral health and allow you to smile with confidence.

Dental Implant Abroad-Cost Savings

The cost of dental implants in the US can range between $3,000-$4,000 approximately. The procedure with the same materials for crowns and implant brands as the dentists in the US and top EU countries use costs much less in countries like Mexico. For example, the estimated price of dental implant procedure in Mexico including titanium implant with crown and abutment is $1,680 approximately.

In the United States, the average pay of an implantologist is $198,000 on average. Moreover, costs like overhead expenses such as office space, insurance, etc. continue to increase. Thus, the costs are passed down to patients. Besides, the insurance plans usually don’t cover elective treatments, which further add up to the overall cost burden for the patients. 

Dentists abroad generally do not command such high remuneration. Some of them even work for longer hours. Thus, the costs of dental procedures like implants are much less expensive in countries like Mexico, Turkey, Thailand, etc.

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Number of Trips Required to the Dentist Abroad

The duration of stay depends on the type of dental implant procedure you choose. It also depends upon your body’s capacity to heal.  

Can Dental Implant be Completed in Just One Visit?

It is possible with instant implants or immediate loading of implants. This section will explain about this and what conditions are favorable for this procedure. Generally, for conventional dental implants, two trips are required over three to six months. If bone graft or tooth extractions are required, it will be performed during the first trip. The bone and gums usually need three to six months to heal, after that you have to return to place the crown and fit the abutment. Generally, you need to stay in the abroad country for three to five days, but you can increase the duration depending on your travel itineraries. 

Know If you need a Bone Graft

You may require bone graft if you don’t have sufficient bone material in the jaw for supporting implant placement. Let your dentist do a CT Scan or a 3D x-ray of your mouth. This will allow the dentist to check if there is enough bone width and depth for placing the implant. In this procedure, a special material is placed at the implant site for supplementing the bone density. The cost of the procedure abroad will definitely increase if bone graft needs to be included. 

How to Make your Implants Last Longer

After you complete procedure successfully abroad, you need to make sure that your implants last longer. Good oral care habit is what you need to take care of your new teeth post implant. Do proper cleaning, brushing, flossing and visit your dentist regularly. When the implants are properly placed and maintained, they can last lifetime. 

Amazon Dental Care

Dental implant is one of the most popular procedures. When you plan to travel abroad for the procedure, you must be well aware of the dentist, clinic and treatment facilities. At PlacidWay, we can help you find the biggest resource of some of the world’s best solutions for dental implants abroad. Use our vast resources to find the accredited clinics providing affordable dental implants and renowned dentists in your preferred location abroad.

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Author Bio

Pramod Goel is the founder and CEO of PlacidWayPlacidWay is a global medical tourism marketplace with 1000s of renowned medical centers from over 50 countries.

