Why Should You Stop Destroying Your Spirits?

Published: 2020-11-06
Views: 597
Author: Kamelallou
Published in: Humanity
Why Should You Stop Destroying Your Spirits?

The essence of the matter is not in your lack of ideas, for they are floating in the folds of your bed, with which the sides of your mind shiver during the night and the edges of the day, but we do nothing about them. It is covered by time as the night covers the last strings of senna, as if our paths had never been encountered, as if we had never seen a twinkling of the day. I think nothing is capable of smashing you as much as that flimsy, hateful word that you repeat over and over, until I actually believed it, “I am fine”, I am fine, unconcerned when my soul is troubled, I am fine and I am struggling with life to give me more hours to endure, I am fine And well-being, and the truth is that those crumbs of the health of death are more worthy and worthy of them.

And why shouldn't we be fine? When we will not leave our places to change something and is there better than that? I am fine, I do not need the bother of knowledge to remove ignorance from me, I am fine and happy with accompanying (20) extra kilos, a story is being cut from my life, I am fine, why do I think about improving my financial situation to sweep my risk shovels away from what I am familiar with, this is how I prefer this way.

If you are in a bad situation tell yourself this, don't be afraid to face it, the truth is inevitable, there is no one here but you, no one will come to your rescue, you are the last savior. That area, which psychologists called the zone of safety and comfort, is there where you are always okay, there is where the familiar is better than the risk, and if the familiar will run out of your time in vain, and you are nothing but artistic in the time of the universe, but the great thing about this is that you possessed its will, there is where there are no motives or urges She forces me to do something about anything.

Then you stand up and put yourself in a mock comparison. Why would you present these? Where did they get all these motives? Just because they got out of that cursed area, just because they said, 'We're not okay.

You are a fabric alone

When scientists calculated the probability of your existence taking into account all wars, natural disasters and all difficult periods, they found that the probability that you exist with that DNA structure that expresses you was only 1 in 400 trillion, your very existence is a miracle that is difficult to happen, you are not well, you are one of the most miraculous ideas To exist and come true, what about your thoughts you are incapable of? Ayul, trapped in your mind.

To be honest, many of us, my friend, do not even live up to the level of their ideas, so how can we make them a tangible reality! This self-image does not believe that she can have such thoughts, just let it be true that you change yourself! Indeed, the world has changed, you are a miracle of doing something, I hear that voice urging you to search for it. Getting what you want is a very simple but never easy thing. Every time you get an idea, what do you do about it? Take a nap after a nap.

What decision did you make this morning, perhaps it was a successful attempt to convince yourself that you still need more sleep and return to your warm bed, why not when it is soft and comfortable, why do I not love it and feel sad about leaving it? Well now let's agree on one unbridgeable truth about whatever we want, we never love to bother.

The five-second rule

Self-development specialist Mel Robbins says:

There is a rule that if you have acquired it, you will be able to do anything you want. Wake up about (30) minutes before your appointment. Stand there immediately and throw your sheet away from you, stand up and start your day. When you do this, you will be face to face interacting with your physical strength and the data of your life, which is the power required to acquire to change any behavior or even gain it, that required strength, to leave your seat and start something, when you get used to it, you will accomplish what you want.

Getting out of your comfort zone does not mean facing enormous risks and challenges. Rather, getting out of that safe zone and taking unfamiliar steps will change the whole thing. Getting out there is like those first three seconds we leave our warm bed to go into a cold room, it's never easy but then you'll definitely feel how amazing you are at being able to do this.

Mill continues:

Try to add something new to your list of actions that can make a realistic change in the matter. Think about the first five seconds rule, after you have an idea about improving your life or the lives of others believe you deserve it, and put it into action in the first five seconds by doing anything, look for Ways to implement them, read expert books about them, or at least write them in your diary.

And always remember that you are a miracle that can generate miracles.


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Author Bio

A university student studying for a BA in the Department of Mathematics, interested in mathematics and applied science, and a writer interested in human development, psychology and philosophy, as well as writing science fiction and fantasy novels

