Why Is Tennis One of the Best Sports?

Published: 2019-12-09
Views: 663
Author: Tyron45
Published in: Tennis

One of the ways that you can keep yourself healthy is by involving yourself in some sports. It helps you to burn calories and provide you with the exercises needed for the body. Tennis is one of the best sports in terms of benefits and there are studies to approve it. One of them includes the epidemiological study of Danish men and women reflected that playing tennis, badminton or soccer outlive people who cycle, swim or joggle.      

Here are a few reasons why tennis is one of the best sports to play

Excercise of the entire body

A full-body exercise is important to keep your body healthy and fit. While every form of sports provides exercise of some sort, but tennis covers more parts of the body than most of the sports, as it requires a lot of short sprints, constant change of direction and continuous motion. 
The upper body is exercised through the swinging of the racquet and serving the ball while the legs go through a lot of running. The trunk is also exercised with frequent twisting and pivoting.
Tennis will also help to strengthen your forearm strength, back muscle and core development due to the rigorous movement and use of muscles. 

Improves bone health

As tennis is a weight-bearing exercise, it can help you to increase bone density due to the pressure applied to the bones while playing. As the bone mass usually peaks by the age of 18 in girls and 20 in case of boys, it is better that people actively engage themselves in activities that improve their bone density so as to prevent themselves from a health condition like osteoporosis as they age. Tennis is one of the best activities to improve your bone health.  

Improvement in Aerobic and Anaerobic Capacity

Tennis helps in improving your aerobic capacity as your oxygen intake is improved while you are playing. With a better intake of oxygen, your heart rate increases and there is better delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the muscles. This subsequently improves your performance and endurance and lower the rate of fatigue. 
Furthermore, tennis also helps in improving your anaerobic capacity by allowing the muscles to use oxygen efficiently. You will develop more energy for quick and explosive movements by playing tennis.

Helps in brain development
It is not only the muscles and bones that are benefitted by playing tennis. As for every sport that requires a lot of thinking, tennis can help to improve brain functions. Players need tactical thinking and alertness throughout the game. So, consistent involvement in playing tennis can enhance the neural connections in your brain. It helps you to remain sharp and alert during your old age too. 

Improves social interaction

Many studies suggest that sports that are social are more beneficial than solitary exercises. Tennis is one of the best social sports to play. With tennis, you can enjoy the health benefits of playing while at the same time interacting and having fun with your partner. Interaction is very important for our mental and emotional well being. This sport is more beneficial for older people as they can interact with their friends while at the same time improve their health. 

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