Ways to Keep Your Garden Tidy and Presentable

Published: 2019-12-07
Views: 563
Author: MrWriter
Published in: Gardening

Patio, Lawn & garden

A garden can make your home appealing and presentable. It can add charm and aura to the environment of your residence. But keeping a garden is not limited to this reason only. It provides you with a sanctuary to relax from your fast-paced lifestyle. To just be walking around, or drinking your coffee in the garden can help reduce the stress and fatigue of your day-to-day life. Especially for kids, growing up with this small space of nature is helpful in their growth and development.

However, it is important that you take your time to keep the garden tidy and healthy. Here are some of the ways to do so.

Trim, hedge and prune the plants

Your garden can look very untidy if the branches and vines of the plants start growing out excessively, or if the hedges go out of shape. Trimming and hedging once or twice a month will make the garden look tidy and clean. Also, make sure that you do regularly prune the plants so as to discourage rapid overgrowth. Look out for the dead branches and leaves, or the sections of the plants affected by insects and mildew and prune them. Also, it is better than pruning is done during the winter rather than wait until spring, so that to not allow the disease to establish themselves when the plant is dormant. Use a sharp tool to make clean cuts.

Weeding regularly

One of the most important ways to keep your garden tidy and healthy is to root out all the weeds growing in it. As weed almost grows all the year-round, it is necessary that you attend to it frequently. While pulling them out of the root is the most effective way of weeding, but there are sprays and power that can do the job for you. However, for the long-term health of the plants, digging them out is the better option. Weed growth can be minimized by planting beds densely so as to not provide space for the weed to grow.

Water the garden

Patio, Lawn & garden



Water the garden once or twice a week, depending upon the water requirements of the plants. It is recommended to water plants early in the morning or in the evening, as it prevents excessive evaporation. Also, do not water leaves or plants directly from the top to avoid mould formation.

Arrange all the necessary tools

It is important that you have all the necessary tools and gardening equipment to maintain your garden. Furthermore, make sure that you keep the tools sharp and clean so that they are free from disease-laden soil particles. Extra precaution needs to be taken to clean the tools while working on infected plants to prevent the disease from spreading.

You can build a garden shed so that all the tools are easily accessible to everyone and to shelter them from rain.

Use the right fertilizer

The knowledge of the type of fertilizer that specific plant needs is an important attribute of a good gardener. Likewise, the amount of fertilizer needed in the soil should not come out of wild guess but from a soil testing. Both the lack of nutrients or abundance can harm the plants.

Look out for bugs

Bugs can do a lot of damage to your plants, either by doing the damage themselves or by carrying viruses and bacteria that could enter your plant and spread in the garden. Take your time out to inspect the plants carefully once in a while for any insects or abnormality.

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